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  Satirical cartooning. What an awesome power it is. In the hands of an Evil Over-Lord our gallaxian days would be surely numbered. However in the hands of a concerned and motivated professional, those who endeavour to become Evil Over-Lords... beware!

This page allows you access to several cartooning exhibitions.
­ Corporate Functions which explains how you can hire myself and other artists to attend your function and caricature your guests.
­ Market Art where you'll see examples of my charcoal style of cartooning, and how I go about personalising it for individuals.
­ Toons InReview, satirical cartoons accessed via the VIEWING button or GOD below.

Toons InReview. A proud member of the ACA (Australian Cartoonist Association) I cartoon because I truly love it. The ACA also offers membership to non practicing cartoon lovers, so check it out at .
As a satirical observist I've been published in numerous publications, among them John Fairfax Publishers, AvantCard and STU magazine.
Satricial Cartoon's Toons InReview entry here...

Please ... laugh, frown and cringe alittle.

I offer a professional service, currently from Sydney. Producing guest caricatures at corporate functions. Usually by mingling among the guests, a colleague and I... work the floor. We caricature quality images then & there. You could say we're a floor show on our own. View examples of what we do, and how we go about it.

Point of interest.
The caricatures are truly wonderful keep sakes, fit for framing. Themes can be as unique as the people.
No topic is too shameful.
No issue too outrageous.
No activity too shocking.
To be honest, we've likely drawn it before or done it ourselves... :)

  What style of caricature do I employ when I'm at markets? and how much do I charge? Well once a model decides not to keep their picture, I'll whack it here to show. So... this link will be working when ever possible.